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What is a Short Course? ​

A short course is a short-term course that is specifically open for teenagers (16 years old and above) and adults (Employed).

Top Skills College registered as one of the training providers in the Human Resources Development Corporation (HRD Corp) has provided a great chance to individuals that wish to attend a short-term course in any of the current existing program that offered by us such as Computer Science, Digital Marketing, Culinary and many others.

Are you a suitable person to attend the short courses at Top Skills College?

If you are interested in a particular subject in any field of study that is available here, you are welcome to attend our short courses. This program is suitable for teenagers who wish to utilize their school break time to learn some of the practical work in a specific interest area, to learn some extra knowledge in a short period of time.

For working adults that wish to learn something that may apply to their working field as a plus are also a good choice to select the entire short course.

What are the two different categories that distinguish the enrolment type for these short courses?

Private Subcribers

Teenagers and adults purchase the program on their own without any subsidy from a third party.

Sponsored by employee’s company

The short course may be sponsored by the employee’s company for training purpose in collaboration with the program of HRD Corp. This should first reach the consensus between the employee and the company in their sponsorship.